My sister leaves for college tomorrow. It will take some time getting used to this not jumping out at you when you walk into a room.
Happy 87th Birthday to my Grandma. I kinda went overboard in making her cake. I made way too much icing, and got about 23% all over my hands. Small price to pay for the goodness that is birthday cake. I'm just excited to have her around. She just moved up here in June at an assisted living place nearby.
The other day at dinner I noticed a small water stain on the ceiling in the kitchen. Well it started leaking this morning. So Dad turned off the water to the house, and yet it still turned into Niagara Falls about 2 hours ago. I was up here in my room when I hear Mom yell "CALL YOUR FATHER, THE CEILING IS LEAKING!!!!" Turns out Dad had wiped the water droplets off the ceiling then walked out the door to pick up grandma and roughly 30 seconds later it exploded. I ended up getting a spatula and a bucket to push out all the water that was sitting in the bubble. After the water slowed down a bit I ripped down the paper that bubbled up to find a hole in the ceiling about an inch in diameter. We think it's where a nail was spackled over. Although there is no sign of the nail at this point.
So I can't take a shower until Dad turns the water back on. I'm sure the phrase, "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" will be uttered. The neighbors go on vacation tomorrow, so they said we have free reign of their showers. So best.
I'm off to figure out what to eat for dinner, hopefully when Allison gets home we can have something good. Mom, Dad and Grandma are having fish. Yikes.
Enjoy the severe thunderstorm warning.
Current Music: Tim McGraw - My Old Friend
"My old friend, this song's for you 'cause a few a few simple verses was the least that I could do to tell the world that you were here. Cause the love and the laughter will live long after all of the sadness and the tears. We'll meet again, my old friend."
What's with this post anonymously if you don't have a Blogger account crap? Just because I don't use blogger doesn't mean that I don't exist! Ass-weasels.
Oh, and Allison does have the capability to be very creepy sometimes. Especially with the freckles.
Hey D--
Tell your sister that if she ever needs anything, like a car ride somewhere, a real meal, or whatever, that I can help her out :) My apartment is 1.5 miles from campus! Get me thru e-mail... mizmeliz82@yahoo.com and if either of you want I can give you guys my phone # :)
Love Melissa
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