When I'm bored, I go to my good friend Google and click on image search. Type in a word or two and see what comes up. It's quite fun. Well the past few times I've done Jersey searches. I found the flower you see before you in my latest search. It's a "Jersey Girl" flower. Its a close second as my favorite flower. I also found a bitchin poster with differnt signs that have the word Jersey in it.
I also donated blood today. My church was having a drive so I went with Mom. While we were there I saw the judge, I talked to him about my speeding ticket. There's hope for me yet. More about this after my day in court (9/15).
I'm off to bed early because I actually have to go into work tomorrow. Good thing I didn't do a damn thing over the summer to prepare for my job. God Bless the wifey for bringing me back to reality.
Holy poop on a stick I just realized I have to be up in 5 hours. Goodnight.
Current Music: The Stills - Lola Stars and Stripes
"Can you take me back to that place where stars glow, comets swarm like fireflies outside your window"
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