
First Snow

I will start with the oh so familiar line of, "Hey I know it's been awhile since I've been here, but..." I would love if I had enough time. Scratch that. Discipline. I wish I had enough discipline to blog on a semi-constant basis. I would love to say that I haven't been in awhile because I'm so fabulous and I'm doing fabulous things. The truth is, my life is far from fabulous.

See this great picture? I live about an eighth of an inch to the left of the "N" in New York. Not only is that pretty damn awesome in itself, but see the white stuff above the pink and green? That's awesome. Granted the forecast of snow is for far Northwestern Jersey. Which according to where I live, I am not a part of.

I really got excited for the possibility of snow. Not only does snow seriously impede on my ability to get to work, but something about it all just amazes me. Even when I shovel out of the driveway. I wanted to call someone in my life that would be just as excited for snow. Then I realized that while my sister does share in my enjoyment of all things winter, she is busy studying according to her away message.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't have that person. The person who appreciates the snow as much as I do. The person that appreciates me enough to know that snow makes me happy. I want someone special to call me to tell me that it's snowing where they are and it made them think of me. Then I would smile and feel something that I haven't felt in quite awhile. Love.

So Mr. Wonderful wherever you are, my phone is on.


Current Music: Saves The Day - An Afternoon Laughing

"You aren't the kind of person that I couldn't fall in love with, rather you are the kind of person that I could."

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