I'm back from Maine. Yes I never made it to have lunch with Ryno. I left my house in Jersey at 10:15. On a normal day that would allow me just enough time to see Ryno before he had to go to work. Then The wonderful state of Connecticut decided that it wanted to make the already crappy Merrit Turnpike and take it from 2 lanes to 1 for about 10 miles. I didn't make it into Fairfield until 12:15. All that = no lunch with Ryno.
I made one pit stop in Connecticut to get a snack after I called Ryno to deliver the bad news, then another in Massachusetts after I thought my bladder was going to explode. Saw a former roommate of a friend on 290 in Worcester, he let me cut him when I had to merge due to construction. Crossed over into Maine, sweet 80 miles to go!!! Yeah Maine is really far. It took 7 hours and 11 minutes in total (my car has a timer on it) and if Amber lived 12 miles further than she did I would have run out of gas.
The party was great. It was the first time we had all been together since graduation over a year ago. Partied like rock stars, broke several chairs, ate tons of great food and ended up at the Goose. Where no joke a bride and groom were inside taking pictures after they had gotten married about 5 hours earlier. They decided they weren't done partying and ended up, wedding gown and all, in a bar that is smaller than my office.
Side note: Can you ever stop getting freckles? I feel as though I had a good amount of freckles about 2 years ago. Just today I noticed that I had a few more on my face then did a quick body scan and noticed I had a few more everywhere. Granted I don't know where every freckle is on myself, but having this body for 23 years allows you to get used to things. Such as not having this many freckles on my face. Its not like I spend a lot of time in the sun either. When God made the Irish, he gave us a high tolerance for the alcohol not so much for the sun.
I'm off to bed tomorrow I babysit the neighbors for a few hours starting at noon, so I have to get up earlier than usual. Usual being around 1. I know life as a teacher is horrible.
Current Music: Vertical Horizon - Angel Without Wings
"An angel without wings can hardly fly. And love without a dream it will not survive, but now I can see I am lucky just to have a heart."
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